We are now well into the final year of the 2016 festival and I would like to thank you for contributions that have been made so far. It has not been easy for our Lodge to meet the challenges we faced with members spread over the UK and some that live or work overseas.
Our target for the first Honorific Level was little over £17,000, to date we have donated £10,328: this figure includes monies that have been promised as part of monthly donations for the duration of the Festival and gift aid envelops and single donations we need to raise another £7,512 to achieve a Bronze Honorific.
Brethren it’s not too late to make a donation either as a one off or a regular monthly payment.
The Royal Masonic Trust for Girls & Boys is first and foremost a national charity which helps children and young people in many ways through a variety of different funds and projects. The main work of the Trust is to assist Masonic families who have experienced a change in their circumstances that has led to financial hardship. This could be due to ill health, death of one or both parents loss of employment or many other reasons The Trust provides a caring service in assisting to relieve poverty and advance the education of children and/or grandchildren of a Masonic family in proven need and when funds permit, supports children in need who are not linked to a Masonic family, principally through Stepping Stones and Choral Bursaries. It also holds or oversees many other smaller funds that can help in all sorts of situations and in particular oversees the operation of Lifelites which provides educational and social computer and other equipment in every Children's Hospice in the country ... read more The Trust also funds Talent Aid for gifted young people from Masonic families.
I hope we can make a final push towards a good total that will help us reach our target, I have included a donation form should wish to make difference to a young persons life. Download the REGULAR DONATIONS FORM AND DECLARATIONS Its not to late to make a donation either as a one off or a regular monthly payment.

Most of us manage our physical health far better than our emotional well-being, leaving unresolved issues and problems that may cause real harm. It often helps to talk but there may be times when family and friends don’t have the expertise to help.
The MSF Counselling Careline is a confidential, free helpline operated by trained counsellors who will listen and offer professional guidance. Up to six additional telephone or face-to-face sessions with a trained counsellor can also be arranged for those that counselling is considered appropriate for, within 15 miles of a person’s home or work. Freemasons and their eligible dependants can call the MSF where our staff will direct them to the MSF Counselling Careline. The service is free and completely confidential.
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Thanking you in advance
Yours Sincerely and Fraternally
W. Bro Brian M. Shaw PPAGSwdbB, PPDGReg (Middx)
Charity Steward
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