The Founders - Consecration
Pegasus Forces Lodge was consecrated on Wednesday 5th December 1990 at the Masonic Hall, Edward Street, Aldershot in the presence of all but one of its Founders (see photograph on page 11). The absentee was W.Bro. Graham Scopes, who was in Italy celebrating the birth of his first grand-child. The ceremony was performed by the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. James E. Bullen. Music was provided by W.Bro. Tom Eaton P.Dep.G.Org., Prov.G.Org., who also directed the Provincial Choir, which consisted of seven Brethren.
The Founders and their guests assembled in the Lodge room after lunch and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Alan Chun M.B.E., P.G.SuptWks accompanied by the Grand Officers and the Consecrating Team entered in procession at 14.30 hrs. V.W.Bro. Chun occupied the Master’s Chair and invited the following to act as Consecrating Officers: -
#W.Bro. M.J. Wilks Prov.S.G.W. as Senior Warden.
*W.Bro. P.A. Berman Prov.J.G.W. as Junior Warden.
W.Bro. the Rev. R.A. Miller P.A.G.Chap., A.Prov.G.Chap. as Chaplain.
W.Bro. N.J. Buckingham P.A.G.D.C., Prov.G.Sec. as Secretary.
W.Bro. M.E. Slater P.A.G.D.C., Prov.G.D.C. as Director of Ceremonies.
W.Bro. C.F. Dixon Prov.A.G.Purs. as Inner Guard. W.Bro. R.E. Jackson P.Pr.J.G.W., Prov.G.Tyl. as Tyler.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master declared a Lodge and opened it in the first degree. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies called the Brethren to order and V.W.Bro. Chun was saluted with five. Having acknowledged the fraternal salutation, he then opened the Lodge in the second and third degrees.
The Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. James E. Bullen then entered the Lodge, accompanied by his six Assistant Provincial Grand Masters – W.Bros Maj. A.C.L. Calloway O.B.E., P.S.G.D., (R.M.), Brig. R.J. McGarel-Groves O.B.E., P.Dep.G.SwdB., (L/R.M.), R.K. Mills-Goodlet P.S.G.D., E.F.R. Moss P.S.G.D., Cdr R.A. Champion P.S.G.D., (R.N.) and R.A. Atkins P.A.G.D.C. The Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies called the Brethren to order and R.W.Bro. Bullen was saluted with seven. He thanked the Brethren for their generous fraternal salutations and then addressed them on the object and purpose of the meeting.
The Warrant authorising the constitution of the new Lodge was read by the Provincial Grand Secretary and the Petitioners unanimously signified their approval of the Principal Officers named therein. W.Bro. the Rev. Tony Miller then delivered an inspiring oration. He commented that all the Founders had been prepared to parachute into action to fight for the survival of democracy and justice and to ensure long term peace and prosperity. In a military Lodge it was possible to find that special spirit of comradeship, the friendships forged in combat being rekindled in the bonds of Masonic love and brotherhood. He concluded by wishing the Lodge well and feeling assured that its future would be both productive and fun.
#R.W.Bro. Wilks is currently the Provincial Grand Master for Hampshire and Isle of Wight.
*W.Bro. Berman P.Dep.G.SwdB. is currently the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent in and over Hampshire and Isle of Wight.
The Consecrating Officer then proceeded to dedicate, consecrate and constitute the new Lodge as “Pegasus Forces Lodge No. 9393”.
Having thanked all those who had has assisted him during the ceremony, R.W.Bro. Bullen called-off the Lodge and the Brethren withdrew from the Temple for tea. After the Lodge was called-on the senior Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Allan Callaway proceeded to induct W.Bro. Robin E. Parsons as the Primus Master. W.Bro. Bill King was then invested as Acting Immediate Past Master. The Assistant Provincial Grand Master presented the Master with the Warrant of the new Lodge from the M.W. the Grand Master and a copy of the Book of Constitutions. The Master then appointed the following Founders as Officers of the Lodge: -
Senior Warden W.Bro. J.A. Akerman.
Junior Warden Bro. R.J. Dachtler. Chaplain W.Bro. H.W. Hovell P.Pr.G.SwdB. Treasurer W.Bro. R.B. Follett P.Pr.S.G.D.
(After declaration of election)
Secretary W.Bro. E. Caley P.Pr.G.SuptWks, L.G.R Director of Ceremonies W.Bro. B.P. Pugsey P.Pr.S.G.D. (Middlesex) Senior Deacon Bro. D.I. Parker. Junior Deacon Bro. G.W.D. Stow. Almoner Bro. A.H.J. Gould. Charity Steward W.Bro. F.H. Maidment P.Pr.G.Stwd (Surrey). A. Director of Ceremonies Bro. C.A. Bailey. Almoner W.Bro. A.H.J. Gould. A. Secretary W.Bro. E.P. Fitzgibbon. Inner Guard Bro. D.A. Sykes. Stewards W.Bro. B.A. Fordham. Bro. K.D. Banwell B.E.M., N.S.C. Bro. T.W. Dalton. Bro. D. Edwards. Bro. G.R.J. Marshall. #W.Bro. J.S. Peters P.S.G.D., A.Prov.G.M. South Wales E.D.). *W.Bro. S. Northway P.S.G.D., A.Prov.G.M. South Wales E.D.).
Tyler Bro. V.T. Carmichael. (After election)
The Address to the Master was delivered by W.Bro. Allan Callaway, to the Wardens by W.Bro. Nigel Buckingham and to the Brethren by W.Bro. Robin Atkins.
Alms were collected and amounted to £400.
The Provincial Grand Master and his Consecrating Officers then withdrew.
#Bro. Peters remained as a Steward until his installation as Master in 2010.
*Bro. Northway remained as a Steward until his appointment as Chaplain in 1994.
Propositions were passed that R.W.Bro. Bullen and W.Bros Calloway & Buckingham be elected as Honorary Members of the Lodge, that the By-laws and Founders’ Rules be approved and that £500 be donated to the 1994 Festival for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution (R.M.B.I.). Nine Joining Members and three Candidates for Initiation were proposed. The Secretary read letters of congratulation from R.W.Bro. Maj. Gen. Denis Beckett C.B., O.B.E., D.S.O., P.J.G.W., a former Commanding Officer of 2 Para. and from Pegasus Lodge No. 9124 meeting in Caergwrle, Wrexham, North Wales.
The Members (numbering 26) entertained the Consecrating Team (numbering 25) and 154 Visitors to a banquet in the Royal Aldershot Officers’ Club, during the course of which significant quantities of wine were consumed and the formal Masonic toasts were honoured. The menu consisted of: -
Smoked Trout Fillet.
Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding,
Roast Potatoes, Cauliflower Florets and Petit Pois.
Apple Flan with Cream.
Cheese and Biscuits.
Photograph of the Founders at the Consecration Meeting

Back row (L>R)
Sam Northway, George Stow, Brian Pugsley, Bill King, Stuart Peters, Gregory Marshall and Keith Banwell.
Middle row (L>R)
Noel Ross, Albert Gould, David Edwards, David Sykes, Edward Fitzgibbons, David Parker, Frank Maidment, Terence Dalton, Bertie Fordham, Edward Hold, Eric Wright, Ron Follett and Charles Bailey.
Front row (L>R)
Brian Van Wyk, Vic Carmichael, James Ackerman, Robbie Parsons (W.M.), Roy Dachtler, Harry Hovell and Ernie Caley.
Absent – Graham Scopes.
Next page ... The First Eight Years 1991 - 99