from Doug who is playing Alan Birnie along ... dated from 21st March 2012
just told me hes gotta go as his old c/o is on the phone lol, i said mine
was brewitt (meaning brewis ),
he came back with hughes and then manchip
TwoPara Reg
Slowly, slowly catch the monkey ... Doug
Ask him if he got involved with any "Black Ops" or working in
Doug Moodie
in answer to my question about hush hush work lol, he said, too much of it
but then that's how the job went, what a knob!!!
Doug Moodie
just told me he's done some work in civvies
and black kit, is this guy for real lol
Chaps, there's a guy called Alan Birnie who some of you may have recently added to your friends list. I think he's a Walt, as he says he was a SSgt ??????? In 1Para, served from 75 to 85 but no one seems to know him. I asked him some direct questions (politely) about his service but he wouldn't answer and now he's blocked me. He shows the classic Walt signs - no one actually knows him, he has no pics of him while serving, no banter with mates he's served with etc. he's been adding loads of Para FB friends which makes him look gen but I'm convinced he's a Walt
David N
I was in 1 PARA in 75 and I have never heard of him, the only S/Sgts I we had was the REME armourer tech in HQ Coy and the PTI when it was someone like S/Sgt Christian who had left us by then for demob. Me thinks he ain't kosher